Thursday, April 10, 2008

J M Barrie

Under the lamppost in Barrie St, is the plaque. It's a bit hard to read because old ladies cannot get down to photograph it front on.!

I didn't know until I read the plaque that Barrie wrote "The Admirable Crichton". I saw it at the movies when Kenneth More was quite young.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Barrie St.

My Mum used to live in Barrie St in Christchurch. The council had this 'improving' spree, where they prettied up the streets.
This lamppost has metal 'leaves' and a nest. The words around the band say,"Why do birds build their nests under the eaves?" Peter answered, "So they can listen to the stories."

Thursday, April 3, 2008

..more chook struff....

Millie is 3 yrs old (the chook at the back), and has accepted Molly(only one yr old) very well. They spend a lot of time together.
Lately, Molly has been pecking at Millie and pulling her feathers out. I've been wondering why she let her do it.
This morning I noticed stuff like dandruff on Millie's feathers, and I think she might have lice.
It would make sense then, why she has stopped laying eggs, why she huddles in a corner now and then , and why she lets Molly peck at her.

Now I'll get some Pestene, or something similar, and see if it helps.
Then maybe, we'll get some more eggs.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I *do* like it when it says it'll save my drafts automatically. :-)
I have a habit of typing away and finding out too late I've hit a wrong button and it's all gone away!

Chillies. You really do learn something new every day.
We built a wee fence around our chillies to stop the chook eating them.
Ann-down-the-road told me yesterday that Alan-over-the-road feeds his chooks with chillies to make them lay.
Our chook Millie stopped laying a couple of months ago.
Maybe she misses her chillies.

I'll feed her some and see if it works..