Saturday, March 29, 2008

the dish on the roof

We had a lot of rain. Our satellite connection became crap. It would cut us off in the morning, and we couldn't get back on until night.
The lad from Woolooga came and replaced the *unit*. I think that's the black box thing up by the dish. It was full of water. Not surprising really.
I presume [probably a silly thing to do], they've improved the design and this last lot of heavy rain we've had, won't give the same problems.
Hasn't so far.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

wet wet wet

We're getting real rain! Filling our tanks and watering the garden.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Too much fruit!

I knew I was doing the wrong thing. But it was yummy, and I just kept having more.

what a day!

What a busy day. Started early with Tai Chi - nearly completed 21 forms. Can at least do 12 and reverse no probs now.

Shopping. Yuk. Cheered myelf up with a visit to the bakery and bought pies and a sausage roll for Oscar.

Lots of sewing. Too hot for knitting.
The bloke from Woolooga came and FINALLY fixed the computer so we can be online all day!
'twas just a lot of water in the wires. Not a surprise after the torrential downpours we had in February.

NOW, I have to feed the chooks and get tea ready.